Monday 6 October 2014

90 Day Video Challenge (Day 1) - Taking Massive Action

90 Day Video Challenge (Day 1) - Taking Massive Action [embed][/embed] 90 Day Video Challenge (Day 1) - Taking Massive Action So today is the first day of my 90 day video challenge, with the intention of taking my busi...

"90 Day Video Challenge (Day 1) - Taking Massive Action "

"90 Day Video Challenge (Day 1) - Taking Massive Action "

Monday 29 September 2014

Shortcut To Success Online - IPAS 2 - YouTube

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How Do Blogs Make Money?

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Thursday 20 February 2014

What exactly IS Instant Payday Network?

What exactly IS Instant Payday Network?

Instant Payday Network is owned and run by Jeff Buchanan, who is already a top internet marketer, and a high earner.  Jeff set up this system to help people get into internet marketing and learn how to make money online.  

The problem with starting a business online, is that most people have little or no money to put into the business, and so very few people actually succeed in making a decent living on the internet.

So what Jeff Buchanan did was to set up a system around the Fortune 500 companies who were looking to get more people using their products.  He offers a completely free marketing system set up around these companies and gives bucketloads of free training on how to find referrals for the Fortune 500 companies so that you can get paid by them.

The Fortune 500 companies are willing to pay you for every person you get to sign up for these offers. Now, when you join, you will have to complete one or two offers, JUST ONE TIME, and once you have done that, you are able to start putting your adverts out to attract more people to sign up and complete offers, at which time you get paid!

Over and over again!  The more people who sign up, the more money you make.  And this can build up to a decent amount over the month!

Instant Payday Network - How much does it cost?

Instant Payday Network - How much does it cost?

There is no cost involved in joining Instant Payday Network.  You will originally join through a capture page with Jeff Buchanan showing you how much he made when he started in this business.

After you have given your details (name and email address) you will be taken to another video to explain what you need to do.  The first step will be to sign up with a company called 'Express.MyCashFreebies'.   Here you will need to join, then sign up for one or two offers. 

This bit may mean you have to pay something or you may be able to sign up for a free offer. You need to sign up for at least one deal in order to get 'one credit'.  Personally, I had to pay $10 for the first site and $20 for the second site, but then I'm in the UK and we have far less offers available than you in the USA!  But they are 'one off' fees, and I can make so much money with this system, that I really don't mind!

Once you have your one credit, you are eligible to get paid $20 for every person you refer to Express.MyCashFreebies through the Instant Payday Network.

Once you have done that, you sign up for another company called 'Double.MyCashFreebies' where you also have to sign up for offers to the value of 'one credit'.  Once you have done this you are eligible for a payment of $30 for each person you sign up to this site.

What is really important to remember here is that once you have got one credit in each of the two sites, JUST THAT ONE TIME, you never have to complete another offer and you will be able to recruit people into your business and get paid $50 for every person who joins you!

For a free or very low cost business, that is amazing!

Just don't get hung up on completing the offers!  So you have to join a couple of Bingo sites?  Or get your credit score?  (If its a free trial and you have completed the terms of the offer, you can always cancel before the month is up).  

Some of the offers are good stuff you may actually want! Maybe a domain name for your new business?  Or business cards?  Or maybe you've always wanted an excuse to play the odd game of bingo?  So now you've got it! :-)

It's just a hoop you need to jump through to start making money and to be honest, if you can't complete a couple of offers (or you're not prepared to) you are probably not cut out to make money online!

Instant Payday Network - What Does It Come With?

Instant Payday Network - What Does It Come With?

The Instant Payday Network comes with a free marketing system and full training.  When you first fill in the capture page with your name and email address, you will come to a training video with Jeff Buchanan.  

He will show you how to join Express.MyCashFreebies and Double.MyCashFreebies and how to fill out the offers.  Once you have joined the two sites and click on button three, it will take you to Instant Payday Network to your very own marketing system, funnel and capture pages, including your training site.

Everything you need is then at hand to start earning money.  The best thing to do, in my opinion, is to complete the offers as soon as possible, then whilst you are waiting for the offers to show up (as a green bar) in the back office of the MyCashFreebies sites, you should get to know your back office in Instant Payday Network.

Click on every button (you can't break anything!) especially if you have never done any marketing before, and see just what you have available in the back office. 

Your Back Office in IPDN

 And definitely join our Facebook Group Page, because it is absolutely packed full of even more training, and you can ask any questions you might have there.  There are many members who are experienced and have gone on to bigger things, but who share their knowledge with everyone on the Facebook Page.

The link to our Facebook Page is right down at the bottom on the right-hand side of the Control Panel Home Page and is a link saying 'Facebook Group Mastermind'.

Instant Payday Network - What Would I Have To Do?

Instant Payday Network - What Would I Have To Do?

If you decided you would like to start making money with Instant Payday Network, you would join and fill in the capture page with your name and email address here.

Then you would be expected to follow the video and join Express.MyCashFreebies and Double.MyCashFreebies and complete 'one credit' worth of offers at each site.

You would then sign up for your Instant Payday Network marketing and training system and start looking around whilst you waited a few days for the offers to be accepted.

After you have been credited you would be ready to start putting out some adverts each day.  Obviously the more work you put into this, the more money you would earn.

You could 'copy and paste' adverts onto CraigsList, or Backpage or any other free sites you could find.   Basically you would try out all the advertising suggestions in the training site in your Back Office and see which suits you best.

And then advertise everywhere you can think of.  If you get through all the ideas in the back office, hop over to the Facebook Group (link on main page bottom right hand side) and discover hundreds of people already working this business, and loads and loads of files, info, training and other help.  If you have a problem, ask away!

So basically, once you have completed your offers, all you would need to do for half an hour to an hour or two a day, is to copy and paste adverts into free advertising places, to get people to join you, and when they complete their offers, you would receive $50 for each one!   

How many adverts will you put out??

Instant PayDay Network - What Kind Of Results Can You Get With This?

Instant PayDay Network - What Kind Of Results Can You Get With This?

The kind of results you can get with the Instant PayDay Network depend entirely with you! If you are determined to make some money online and you stick with the program and work it, there is no limit to how much you can make.

If you get put off easily, bored easily, don't want any more money or just plain don't believe, then you probably won't make one red cent!  

To be honest, I like this program because it does actually get rid of the tyre kickers!  Those people who join every single shiny new business opportunity that comes out, they jump on to see if they can magically make money online by simple joining.

Well Hello!! Wake Up Call!!  If you do nothing, you'll get nothing!

You see, if you are a tyre kicker, you will come up to the first obstacle, which is completing the offers, and you will give up pretty quick.  Because they do take a bit of sorting out, I'm not gonna lie!  But if that is too much effort for you; to work out how to get the offers, then marketing your business on the internet is DEFINITELY going to be too much for you.

Fine, byebye!!

But if you have some grit and determination, and you read those 'extra' little bits of information that make it all easier before you jump in, you are well on your way to earning some lovely cash!

And finally, if you ever want to go on from Instant PayDay Network and really access the high ticket money, you always have option 4!

As I said this is OPTIONAL, you don't have to join at all, but if you want to join this high ticket opportunity, this will obviously cost you money, but will make you SOOO much more!

Why You May Not Want To Join Instant PayDay Network (IPDN)

Why You May Not Want To Join Instant PayDay Network (IPDN)

Of course you may also want to know the downside of the program.  I think personally the worst thing about this program is having to do the offers.  

And here's why!  

I didn't actually mind doing the offers, but there are several things you need to remember to do, to make sure you get credited for them, especially if you have to pay for yours.

First of all your need to make sure you have 'cookies' enabled on your computer.  Remember to read the question and answer page BEFORE you start doing your offers.  And in particular, read the bit about what you should do with your computer before you do the offers, as well as have cookies enabled.  Don't worry if you cannot do all the things; my computer security wouldn't let me do everything, but make sure at least you do the cookie thing!

Also, before you do any offers, (something I didn't do) open both the MyCashFreebie sites and look at the available offers.  I joined a bingo site at the first site (Express) which I would have been better joining at the second (Double) site.

But no worries, just get the offers done; don't spend too long worrying about them.  This really is the worst bit to do and once you are through with it, you can get on earning money!!  Yea!!

Oh, one other thing!  As soon as you have done an offer, start checking out your mail box and keep watching until you get your emails from the companies you have joined.  You may need these as proof if your offers do not show up at the MyCashFreebies sites.  And watch your Spam folder, they could easily land in there.

All the offers vary on how quickly they go through.  My first one at the Express site, went through almost immediately.  For the two I had to do at the Double site, I had to apply for each one and prove to them I had joined and fulfilled the criteria for the offer.  

If you have to do two offers, always do them one at a time and wait until they are approved before you do another.

Instant PayDay Network - Where Does The Money Comee From?

Instant PayDay Network - Where Does The Money Come From?

You may wonder who exactly is going to pay you for getting people to join Instant PayDay Network.

And the answer is that the Fortune 500 Companies are the ones who pay you.  They want more people to use their products and can afford to pay handsomely for you to advertise for them.

Just think if you refer say 10 people to their product (whatever it is) and say 7 only use it for a few weeks, but 1 person uses it (and pays for it) for six months but perhaps the other two keep on using and enjoying the product for a year or more?  

The Fortune 500 Companies have made plenty of money from the people that you introduced to them, and maybe some more people that theose people told about the product and got to join.  So they can afford to pay you to get people in, and also it saves them paying an adveritising executive lots of money to organize advertising!

So its not me, its not Instant Payday or Jeff Buchanan and it's not MyCashFreebies that are actually paying you, although you will get your money from MyCashFreebies, it is actually the Fortune 500 Companies that pay you.


Instant PayDay Network - What About Help and Support?

Instant PayDay Network - What About Help and Support?

There is plenty of help and support available to you within the Instant Payday Network.

Firstly on your 'Control Panel Home' Page in the Back Office of IPDN, down on the bottom of the page on the right hand side there is a 'contact us' button.

This will bring up a form for you to fill in with your query and also their email address.

Secondly on our Facebook Group Mastermind Page, we have a TON on information as well as masses of people commenting and helping you with anything you have a problem with.

So there is no lack of help and support in this business, in fact I believe you would be hard-pressed to find a better training and support system for any other business online!!

Instant PayDay Network - How Do I Join?

Instant PayDay Network - How Do I Join?

If you would like to join Instant PayDay Network (IPDN) click this link.  

If you want to log in to your Instant PayDay Network account click here.

Instant Payday Network Review - Friend Or Foe!

Instant Payday Network Review - Friend or Foe?

Are you looking for information on Instant Payday Network? If so you have come to the right place!  

Everyone has questions about Instant Payday Network, so I thought I would answer as many as I could within this review to help anyone get a good idea of what is involved.

What we are going to cover in this blog:

What exactly IS Instant Payday Network?
How much does it cost?
What does it come with?
What would I have to do?
What kind of results can you get with this?
Why you may not want to join Instant Payday Network
Where does the money come from?
What About Help and Support?
How do I Join?

Once you have read about Instant Payday Network (IPDN) and feel happy about joining us, please click the link here to join us!  Welcome!